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Durango 9R Central Office Accountability (D9RCOA): A Citizen's Group Press Release

For Immediate Release:

The white paper entitled, “Misleading Leadership?: A Close Examination of Dan Snowberger’s Educational Career Records” is now available for your review.

This document is a collaborative, peer reviewed and edited, extensively researched paper on the publicly available documents related to Mr. Snowberger’s career in public education. Numerous statements made by Mr. Snowberger as it pertains to his career in education are carefully examined in an objective manner.

Spanning his entire career from college in Florida to recent pre-Durango positions in Harrison School District, Mr. Snowberger, by his own and other publicly available accounts, has misrepresented numerous aspects of his career including: teaching tenure, reasons for leaving previous positions, specific education experience (Title IX) and the living status of a previous supervisor.

D9RCOA invites all Durango 9R board members and other concerned citizens to thoroughly review Misleading Leadership? and to form their own judgement on the seriousness of the misrepresentation. We are confident that all independent, fair minded individuals will share our view that Mr. Snowberger should be held to account for his actions up to and including immediate dismissal from all duties in Durango 9R.

D9RCOA is a concerned citizen group comprised of more than 40 parents of 9R children, and 9R employees. Our group can be reached for questions at

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