Durango Schools' Superintendent's Contract Set to Renew
Durango 9-R Board of Education is welcoming input from community stakeholders about extending the superintendent's contract until 2020. Please contact all of the following board members via email or phone stating the reasons why or why not you feel it should or should not be extended.
Shere Byrd, Secretary, District E sbyrd@durango.k12.co.us (970) 247-9182
Joe Kusar, Treasurer, District D jkusar@durango.k12.co.us (970) 422-2678
Stephanie Moran, Vice President, District B smoran@durango.k12.co.us (970) 375-9417
Mick Souder, Member, District C msouder@durango.k12.co.us (970) 560-0072
Nancy Stubbs, President, District A nstubbs@durango.k12.co.us (970) 247-0663